Loneliness is when you have to put your dishwasher on 'half load' each time
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Loneliness is when you have to put your dishwasher on 'half load' each time
Loneliness is when you have to put your dishwasher on 'half load' each time
Hope you're doing oki *hug*
@Tyrswing-Productions het yea sorry u didn't have my phone for a week since it broke and I had to get the screen fixed *Hugs back tightly*
For you Day by day you feel so low But but altogether you may always grow You wouldn't ever guess the steps I would go to To only see and know the happiest you.
@Add-Nickname-Here I may not be there physically, but I'm always there in the heart. *hug*
@Tyrswing-Productions thank you for this, I don't understand how you can be so caring constantly, but this means alot
People planning for the future, while im in my room at night imagining senarios where im not me, where im someone else who is loved by everyone, who has someone to love and has someone to come home to And then I'll wake to reality and remember im only me. Plain, boring old me I want to go home now But i dont feel loved at home So what do I do now What's the point Just give up Just give in Just go.
Life is pointless. I might as well die now. All we constantly do is wake up, get ready as best we can for societies standards, complete the day, and sleep. I mean sure, we eat, hang out and have memories and experiences. But in the end its just continuous repetetiveness of life, and im sick of it. I'll wake up tomorrow and the day will repeat, just like the other 16 years of my life. I wish I could go back to when I saw a point, back to when I gave a shit about anything. I want to be able to get out of bed without constant effort. I wish I wasnt so tired all the time And I wish that I didnt spend so much time infront of the mirror desperately trying to cover up all my mistakes, and the bags under my eyes from the nightmares that haunt me at night, but its never enough, and im so tired, constantly. I wish for so many things that i constantly feel selfish, and then i can't move forwards but now what's the point of even thinking about future, when I struggle to make it through day by day? I'm not the only one like me, but this constant fight feels so lonely, and each day I loose just that little bit more. I fall back into bad habits It's easier for people to see me happy, because then they wouldnt have to live with the constant hell that is me. If they saw me as I see myself they would cry, I know they would And to ruin their pefect fantasy of me? That is true selfishness, I could never bring myslef to do it. I struggle to pay attention in class or work afterwards, I keep fantasising about how everything would be so much easier if I wasnt here If I just didnt give so much of a fuck and let go But no I must be perfect for others, otherwise everything I've built up will crumble down and fall. And im only 17
You can just ignore this, I'm being stupid but yea; This sounds really bad, and I'm probably making this so much more dramatic than it sounds, but my mental health has been declining these weeks, and I wrote this in one of my classes and I feel the need to post it, I don't know how to explain it, but what I wrote hit deep with me and made so much sense, so I was hoping others were able to relate to this.
I know you probably don't want to 'take me in' but thank you very much for always being there, it's nice to have someone you can rely on
@Add-Nickname-Here Ive tried to talk before, but I always end up feeling worse, and they look so bored sometimes, like I'm overexaggerating
@Add-Nickname-Here I don't see this as complaining, frankly based on what is written, it isn't complaining. I see it as a call, a call for help. When you feel so low you feel done, it is not right to ignore it. You will always find someone to help balance the mental thoughts out. And though you may not feel like it, there is always a helping hand ready to take you in.
Hope you're doing ok. *hug*
@Tyrswing-Productions fair enough, no rush, your brains just trying to process your amazing ideas as quickly as it can, and sometimes it gets clogged up ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ I believe in you <( ̄︶ ̄)>
@Add-Nickname-Here any chapter is currently either on hold or is moving in a snail's speed. Motivation is hard to come by these days =/
Soo some of my friends have started calling me Angel, because I survived this really shitty thing last week, and now it's stuck so they've officially changed my nickname to Angel, so I thought, might as well change it in here -_-. But feel free to keep calling me Bunny if you want, still don't know why you call me that... Looking at you Lulu.♥️
*gives green fire*
Hey! Idk if you remember me but it's been a while! How have you been?
@Yinnie- you don't need to be active for others sake! I just constantly hope and pray you're doing alright ♥️ You're an amazing friend and I hope things in life get easy ♥️
@LandOfGoodDreams **bed And thanks, sorry for never being active in here, nor posting any stories or anything, don't really have an excuse, but yea, just because I'm never hear doesn't mean I'll forget you, even if I'm never active, if you message me saying you need me, I'll be there♥️
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