Thinking about writing a new fanfic on here
Heres a sneak peek to my new wwe fanfic if anyone is interested to read it..... doesnt have a title yet it's still in the works
I've been asking my mom who my real dad was ever since I could talk, and everytime she would reply with either he died before I was born or he didnt want me and walked away.
So when I was sixteen,we all had to do those DNA tests to build our family tree, so when I did mine I was expecting to get more information on my moms side since I knew more about hers, but when I got my results back I got the exact opposite. I got my dads side that I had no idea on, and when I actually sat down to read the paper I was shocked to find out I had a dad and two older brothers. Sadly my dad did pass away. But finding out who my brothers were? My mind was blown, why did my mom want me away from him....