
It's been over a month since I promised ya'll the update, and I'm so sorry. I've been dealing with some mental health isses and the only thing keeping me afloat are these loki fanfics. Totally recommend Unfettered - By TheseHallowedRoses. I'm almost done with it and it's freaking amazing. The writing is awesome. I'm sorry I havent posted in awhile and to be honest I don't know when I'll post again, but right now I just want to foucus on my mental health.


It's been over a month since I promised ya'll the update, and I'm so sorry. I've been dealing with some mental health isses and the only thing keeping me afloat are these loki fanfics. Totally recommend Unfettered - By TheseHallowedRoses. I'm almost done with it and it's freaking amazing. The writing is awesome. I'm sorry I havent posted in awhile and to be honest I don't know when I'll post again, but right now I just want to foucus on my mental health.


ALSO BIG ANNOUNCEMENT!!! BOOK TWO/ SEASON TWO WILL BE COMING!!! I don't know when, but I will make it happen. I've already started writing some scenes for it and let me tell you... Its tearjerking. I'm just kidding!...or am I? *laughs like an evil genius*


Hello loves, I'm currently working on last two chapters of this season/book!!! Since it's been awhile I'd to apologize by releasing the last two chapters on the same night. I'm almost done with the first one. I don't know when I will be releasing them, but hopefully soon.


Hello my lovelies! I’m sorry I haven’t updated yet. I’ve been trying to update my writing. I’m currently writing another story that’s in 3rd pov and because of this I’m wanting to start writing the TRD series in 3rd pov to see your opinions on it. I thinking this is going to be the last chapter of this book, but don’t worry! I’m currently working on the first chapter for book 2! 


Hey loves! Sorry for not having any updates here for the last few months, I've been in a writer's block. I'm currently halfway done editing chapter 15, and then I'll begin writing chapter 16. I'm still trying to decide whether or not I want chapter 16 or 17 to be the last chapter of this book. There will be second book after this. Hopefully, I'll have the chapter 15 done for ya'll soon! Until then, enjoying reading smut you horny motherfuckers <3


Hey, loves! I promise I'm still writing this chapter it's just extremely long compared to the others that you've been reading. Part 14 should be out soon! While we wait: how are you liking it so far? Do you have any questions about the plot? Or any storyideas that you think might be good in book two? cause i'll be honest my story plot line for book two is bare. Please share your thoughts. I would love to hear them!


@Hotspotme01 yay! So do you have any ideas that I could use for season 2? anything that you might wanna see? I may not use it cause I'm a procrastonater at best but I'll see if it fits with the storyline.


@Addictivepleasures when I tell u your books are so flipping good I'm literally not exaggerating. Like I'm able to see everything that's going on its like actually related to the actual show which is good cus its jus more real u know


Y’ALL OMG!!!!! I AM LITERALLY ABOUT TO LOOSE MY MIND!!!!! Okay so I have had the series Acotar on my reading shopping cart list for ages now but I’ve been procrastinating about buying them. I was looking through the family book case in my house and I saw the COURT OF WINGS RUIN BOOK COVER!!!! I’m crying right now because I’ve scavenged the entire house looking for the actual book and I haven’t found it yet! My mom read it and said it was good and I can’t even find it! *cries* 


Ya'll I swear I'm trying to update the next chapter of These Ruthless Desires. Part of me wants to just hurry up and finish writing it, and the other part of me wants to put it on hold until I have the mental capcity to finish it. The promblem is this next chapter is so depressing its making ME depressed. * just starts crying* lol.