
Hey guys,
          	I just updated my Sidney Crosby Fan Fic 'I do'! Check it out and leave me some feedback!
          	On a side note! Sorry for not posting much any more! Life has got crazy busy! Just know I still love y'all and I will try my best to post more!


Hey guys,
          I just updated my Sidney Crosby Fan Fic 'I do'! Check it out and leave me some feedback!
          On a side note! Sorry for not posting much any more! Life has got crazy busy! Just know I still love y'all and I will try my best to post more!


Hey everyone! Soooooo once again surprise I'm not dead!! I have finally started my summer which means more updates for y'all so yay!!  I'm going to try and post an update or two within the next couple of days! thanks for sticking by my side and continuing to support me! I appreciate it!!


Hey guys so I just wanted to say thanks to a few people really quick! These people are absolutely amazing and they're always voting and commenting on my stories and I appreciate it so much! You guys are absolutely amazing and the amount of support y'all give me means the world to me! Y'all's comments always make my day and I love that you like my stories so much! So thanks to @drpepperlove123 , @hayhayyeeter , @enzie23 , and @Blackhawkss Y'all's support is the reason I keep writing so I just wanted to say thanks! :) 


Hey guys,
          I apologizing for not updating any of my stories for a while! Expect lots of updates tomorrow as I'll be spending pretty much all day writing for you guys! Also expect a new Jonathan Toews story to go up because I really don't like the one I have up right now so I will most likley be removing it and then putting up a new one so get excited! Anyways I just wanted to give y'all that little update and I thank you guys for being pacient with me and all your nice comments on my story mean a lot!!