
New short story, check out if you can ✌️


Dear followers
          I've been inactive for a couple of years, but hopefully some of you still keep an eye on your notifications. I just published a couple of short stories, and it would be amazing if you could spare some time to check them out.
          AM xx


Hello sorry I was wondering if it actually just sent a blank message or a like wanted


Hey followers!
          Chapter 9 is up. Cameron reminisces on an old friend of his that you might recognise ;) since it's quite short, I may release another chapter before Sunday next week. Since, ya know, there is only so much you can write in a flashback without giving everything away...
          Lots of love, from Addison May xxx


Hello everyone
          Chapter 8 is up now. I can't believe that I'm well into the story now - I've always hoped to finish a novel, but have never quite got around to it. I have a good feeling about WBR though!
          This chapter is a relatively short one, but the quality of my writing has gone up slightly, I hope. Cameron decides to call up the infamous Danny and discovers that the scenario he is in is much more dangerous than he first thought.
          Please read if you have a few seconds :-)
          Lots of love from Addison May xxx