Hello, my faithful few followers.I need your help with a story I have been trying to write for months, almost all year. I would appreciate, beyond all words, would I appreciate your help! This story has been driving me crazy by bombarding me with tons of ideas and not being able to decide what to do. Some of you may have seen my first attempt at it a few months ago, but I was unsatisfied with it and wanted to start over. If you guys help me I will be sure to give you credit in the ‘credits’ chapter I’m putting in the story. I’ll probably be asking for your help by telling you my story idea and then listing ideas for the plot and having you give your vote on what to do, but you can also shoot suggestions you have too. Be it about the plot or just how the story looks (Including grammar and stuff) when I post each chapter. I can go back and edit it afterwards. But I do ask that NO ONE, not follower or random commenter, copy this story from anything you see in the discussions that might take place here. This story idea has driven me too nuts to give it up and I don’t want anyone to steal my story or the ideas I have in it, is that fair?
So, with all that said, can you brilliant 13 help me?