Hey guys, I know it’s been practically year. I know you’re probably tired of seeing these long rants from me. I’ve been OK mentally and physically and just overall. To be honest with you all I don’t know if I’ll ever finish my story, it was something I wrote for fun over a year ago not expecting anything from it. I was very young when I started write it and still am. I’m not young as in 11 or 12 but I’m still quite young. Honestly I just don’t enjoy writing as much as I used to and even though I still watch the members of the smp I don’t watch the smp as much as I would like. If you would like I can post half of chapter 13 I believe. It would be unedited and I haven’t touched it since July but I did at some point write it and never publish or have it edited. Thank you all for your support through all this, I still remember some of the first comments I had gotten and how much they encouraged me. I love to see all the comments you guys leave and all the conversations you have and reactions you have. It makes me feel like someone in a way but, writing isn’t for me I guess you could say. I do want to start streaming or at least try in the near future but we’ll have to see. Love you all and make sure to eat and drink something <3 - Addy

@Addy0aj That’s completely fine!! It’s ok if you never finish the story! And it’s be awesome too see you stream and stuff!! Take care of yourself and i’m proud to of been there to see how you’ve improved and grown, wow that sounded weirdly paternal, anyway, take care!! <3

Yeah your feelings are completely valid! Thank you for making this though cause you inspired me so much to start writing <3