
Happy Birthday TAYLOR SWIFT❤️❤️❤️ Thank you for all the music you wrote and played for us! You're such a inspiration:)  #26 #1989 #Red #SpeakNow #Fearless #TaylorSwift 


Hello! This is LightningStrikes13. My old account was IamZecho08 and I've seen you as one of my followers there. Since I can't use that account anymore, I made another one. If it's fine with you, will you help me support my new story? It's called My Real Fake Love. I can totally make sure that you'll enjoy it, so I hope you'll give it a chance. If you'll leave some votes and comments, I'll probably dedicate some of my latest Chapters to YOU! Click the LINK below! Hope that I could save you from the pandemic. Thank youuu!
          You can also follow me for more updates!


caos :) mozes li da mi preporucis neku dobru pricu da citam  a wattpadu? 


hahaha ozbiljno? moje drustvo se odusevilo.... :D a znas li koju pricu na nasem jeziku?Godinu dana citam sve na engleskom...dosadilo mi vise...


@onceuponetime procitala sam ja to hahah, ali nije mi nesto posebno


Ja bih ti preporucila da procitas pricu "After". To je fan fiction,ne znam volis li taj tip price,ali svakome je preporucujem otkad sam je procitala. Jedini problem je sto je stvarno velika. ima 3 dijela knjige po 100 poglavlja. Prati zivot dvoje mladih ljudi koji su na fakultetu. Autorka je stvarno vrhunski napisala. Procitaj je ako imas vremena,ja bih na tvom mijestu sacekala praznike jer je stvarno velika. Obecavam ti da se neces pokajati ako je procitas.