


Hi angels. I feel like I'm constantly making these posts but I just wanted to apologize for the inactivity. I've been struggling quite a bit lately; long story short, I hit a mental low-point with my ed and negative thoughts, and two of my dear friends passed away within about a month and a half of each other. On top of that, I've of course been worrying about my schoolwork, college applications, my job, and extracurriculars. I'm working on the next chapter (and hopefully a few after that) of Heiress, and I'd like to be able to update tonight, but I can't make any promises. I hope you are all doing well, sending much love to everyone!


HEY ALL!! Sorry I've been very inactive this past week, I just started a job. HOWEVER my goal is to update HEIRESS and GROUPIE this weekend. While I have your attention, I wanna chat about some of my other stories.
          First off: I am taking requests on my book of oneshots! Just private message me a character and a song/scenario and I will do my best to write that!
          Second: Let's talk about Pan, my James Potter story. It is has been a verrrryyy long time since I've updated it, & here's why: a while ago, I was blissfully unaware of the fact that sometimes, when writing directly on the Wattpad app, it won't save your draft despite saying that it did! Well, I was in for a rude awakening, needless to say. I ended up losing three chapters without realizing it, so that was obviously so amazing!!! Every time I've opened a Google Doc to work on a new chapter, I just feel discouraged. However, I'm going to change my attitude about it and work on the plot a bit, so I can get back to publishing chapters. I love the concept and the characters a lot, so I promise it is NOT abandoned completely.