
His broad shoulders were clear in the outline of his robes, but his fit figure only glimpsed through his partially opened shirt. With light colored hair cut short his dark eyes became even more prominent. Yet his most attractive feature was the toothy grin that grew even wider when he saw you. He hurries over to you before you can make a move and holds your hands securely, yet gently within his.
          “Thank you, Missy! I don’t usually do this but my Master told me you were a fan and, well…” He paused. A slight blush crept over his face. In contrast to his playboy smile he really did seem nervous, “She said that it was because of fans like you that she continued writing my story. Without you I would never have met my darling, Tofu.” His blush grew all the way to his ears and he looked away, “For that, I could never thank you enough. Thank you for giving my Master strength with your encouragement that it would even encourage her to create me and Tofu.”
          His blush faded as a clever smile took over his features, “Though it seems I’ve caught you, as well, my little missy.” He brought your hands to his lips and kissed your fingers through his ever so gently, “Of all those i’ve loved, male or female, you are quite special, aren’t you? Though I’d never cheat on my tofu…” He glances you up and down as if thinking about it.
          “Huan Huan, stop flirting with the readers.”
          “Yes, Master.” The man, Huan Huan, tossed you one last smirk before letting go of your hands and walking off.
          I shake my head at him, “I’m sorry about him… But he is right, you know. Everyone who votes or adds my story to a list… Well, I couldn’t have done it without you. I honestly can’t express my thanks enough. Really, I mean it. Thank you.”
          ~Mik, author of "The Deceased God's Spirit World Miss" and the spin off, "Hidden Schemes" +more