
Final installment of 'The Chronicles Of An Incorrigible Slacker' is up! Please check out and share your thoughts. :)


Hi Adita! Your bio really fascinated me (though can't say I agree with the love for english, though it is my first language haha), and I started reading your story about the "Incorrigible slacker"...pretty good, though you should probably look at the tense changes throughout the sentences (i. e. Going from past to present in the same chapter) but its a desi story and we definitely need more of those! Keep up the good work and I hope you can take some time out to read my story Chennai Wanderers. Thanks!


Your welcome and I loved your work seriously. You must write more :D If you don't mind me asking, are you from TM? You don't have to answer that if you don't want to :)


@Raining_Thoughts Thank you for the support, Sophie/Sowmie. <3 I am super excited since it was only an 'experiment'. You mean TN? you got it right! :)