Hey guys it's Peachy fruit and today i just wanted to tell i will be discontinuing one of my story because I think I don't feel so motivated to continue this series and topic as i stopped playing hphm already. And I feel like there is no point in continuing my series of this game. I shall maybe complete my "Happiest Day Ever" story as it has been my first story to pass a 100+ reads thanks to you guys!, but even if I do complete the chapters and writing process will be slow as it's something that I don't find interesting anymore. I will be starting a new topic/series. My story "Barnaby's Birthday" is officially closed/discontinued from now on. I'm not sure how many of you read this but this was important for me to tell you as i had planned to post this from a few days. I wanted to put an end to this hiatus or break whatever you would like to call it so yeah. I really hope that you like my new series it will be on my channel in a week or so. That's all bye guys thanks for reading this