
Hey! I apologise if I am bothering you by posting on your mb.
          I just would like to let you know about my completed contemporary Romance Quarter Life Crisis. 
          If you are interested in some soft romance with some humorous banter, may I suggest you to please give it a try. 
          I will drop a link below and hope the blurb and cover piques your interest. https://www.wattpad.com/story/356800072-quarter-life-crisis


Heyaa, I hope you are doing well.
          If you love to read a cute romance with a tinge of banters and mischief please do give a try to my book "Falling for her". I hope it won't disappoint you plus I'm a new writer it will be a great help if you give your genuine reviews and suggestions to improve my writing. Appreciative and constructive comments are always accepted. Even feel free to let me know if something goes overboard in the story. 
          Sorry for distributing you but still if you get time do give it a shot. 