Well, if Ken 10,000 wasn't possible, what if this could be Kenny's Alien-X when I manage to unlock it? https://www.deviantart.com/ben10duelist/art/OS-Alien-X-10yo-version-802684580

You can make a chapter where Kenny and his friends travel to the future and meet his future self. Here I leave you the link of the image for what it looks like. https://www.deviantart.com/caiohsf/art/Ken-10K-890667561

@kevin202106 I don't really have any plans for Ken and his friends going to the future but...Ken 10K will get a cameo appearance after the school festival arc, in a chapter where Itsuka and Ken finally get together. That chapter will be taking inspiration from How I Met Your Mother. Ken 10K will have a bigger role in the Crisis On Omni Earths arc (my version of Heroes Rising).

Sensei! I seriously need your advice. Ben 10 X bnha crossover I have an idea (pretty good), I have a few downloaded graphics from the net. What else do I need? I want it to be a good story. Not some crap.

@AdityaD1Man Believe me, I would like to, but I'm afraid. Not some negative criticism from readers. I've just learned different opinions about writing fanfiction and well... Dager from three months ago would just write as long as it gives him pleasure. Current Dager is afraid that: You used someone's graphics without permission... The studio did not agree to use their works in this fanfic... You get a ban, a 100,000,000zł fine, 50 years in prison and the death penalty in the form of crucifixion... I'm hopeless...

@Dager_PL Just go for it. Start writing it. That's how I started mine! I just thought "yeah, let's do this!" And just started writing my story.

Did some more updates on old designs and some new ultimates most notably Astrodactyl and Wildmutt for the base forms and nanomech, crashhopper and eye Guy for ultimates, if you got any questions lemme know

Sensei! I've been reading your story for a long time and it's one of my favorites from the BNHA X Ben 10 series. So I have a question. Can you give a beginner writer some advice? What to write, how much to stick to the canon of the story, when to weave in your own stories? Maybe something about the law and permissions so that I don't get banned on the head? ("Get banned on the head" probably makes more sense in Polish...) In any case, please give me any advice you can give me.

@AdityaD1Man I'm not worried about the plot. I have a few ideas. I'm more worried about the legal side. I don't know how it is in your country, but reading various information about legality, permissions and potential loss of account for breaking the rules, I feel a bit like I've been handcuffed and locked in a cell... in a submarine at the bottom of the sea. When I look for some information on this topic, one source says it's allowed, another says it's not. My brain is boiling. In any case, probably about... 90% of my fanfics will never see the light of day. I'll have to come up with a story and a whole world completely from scratch. (Groan.EXE) I'll probably break down someday.

@Dager_PL Sorry, it took so long to reply (I killed most of my time watching How I Met Your Mother). I'm gonna try to answer as best as I can. This is what I did for the stories I've published so far: I basically played out how the story would go in my head before I started writing it. It's okay to stick to the cannon but I suggest making changes to make your story to make it more unique and closer to your heart. You can squeeze in your own plotlines after your version of an arc is complete. For example, Ken 10 ended up in a different universe in my book for 2 chapters. I placed those 2 chapters right after Two Heroes and before the summer camp arc. Overall, I think you should map out how you want your story to go first then start writing. Hopefully this helps!

Hey, everyone!! Just posting this to let you all know that...There will be no chapter this week 'cus I have my exams going on and I didn't get any free time to spend writing the latest chapter of Ken 10. Plus, I fell sick too. I'm okay now, but I still got like 4 more papers to deal with. So once I'm done with them, I'll get back to Wattpad. I'm really really sorry!! But that's all for now, folks! Byeeee

Just made a new vilgax alt that might fir better for the fic gave him some reboot colors including the burns, and gave him the green things on his cheeks

@BudderLugia That's a lovely design but Imma stick with ur first one. Imma save the new one for some other arc...

'Sup, people!! I hope you guys are having a good day. I'm posting this message to inform y'all that I'll be going on a BIG break for 2 months (This month and the next. Possibly March too) because I've got two big exams coming up. My preparatory exam next week and my end semester exam in Feb. I REALLY need to concentrate on my studies now. I know, you all are really looking forward to MHA: Son of Ben 10k's season 3 arcs but I really need the time to study l. But don't worry. Once my exams are out of the way, I'll be back!! Until then, peace out and have fun!!

Hey guys I'll be taking a 2 week break because my exams in college are starting next week and I REALLY need to focus on my studies now. But don't worry once my exams are done I'll be back.

@ AdityaD1Man I won't spoil my Ben 10 book but I'll tell you this, I have a LOT of ideas for the story!