To every one who follows me or just check my page, I am encouraging you all to please read now, my dearest author's book "The Girl Who Stole My World" by rmills75. Rachelle is a great and awesome writer and this book that she has written is the epitome of greatness. It ranks up there with her other books, Fin's Claim, Grey's Tribute, Clayton and Odin's Prize. "The Girl Who Stole My World" engages you from the beginning and leaves you wanting more and more. It also grips you emotionally and makes you want to scream, cry, shout, laugh or just do something to get justice for Blue, the main character. Please give this book a read, my friends. You won't regret it. Just leave whatever book you are reading now, even if it's mine and take this one up. It's a keeper and it will hook you. Big Smiles. Thanks, Adlyn.