@NefariousNephilim and myself have met a lot of wonderful people in our time online as programmers, writers, roleplayers, and everything else geeky and fun. One of those people was a kind and thoughtful young woman known as Cirilla, or Ciri for short. Sunday night/Monday morning, she spoke about not feeling well, and having a cough and fever after leaving the hospital. She was concerned about not feeling well, but her dad was in a COVID related coma and everyone attributed her troubles to stress. She said "brb", fell asleep, and never returned. We heard she'd passed away yesterday afternoon. She was 32, a kind and gentle soul who made everyone laugh and allowed her creativity to shine. Az will spend today drawing her, I believe, which is his favorite way to pay tribute to those he loves. We'll miss Ciri a lot. I'm thankful that I still have Az with me, healing and getting stronger, but man...this last year has sucked. It's taken so many great people from us. RIP, Cirilla, the adorable baby witch. <3
@AdorablyAsadora I was shocked and saddened when I saw the news about Ciri on Discord this morning. I didn't know her as well as Az did, but she was always sweet and bubbly. RIP, Ciri. <3