
Good Writer 


@ DragonKiller472  means a lot 


@Adrian_659 Hey you are a good writer you don't have to think about that dude AIQuaholic he is not the one writing your story you are and yes he has good talent but so do you in your own way look back at your first story then look at the halo story your making you can see how you improved and you should be proud about that, cause I am proud of you even choosing to  make a whole new halo story and and even you inspired me to make my story descriptive because how descriptive yours was. So be proud of yourself but know I am proud of you.


@ DragonKiller472  me? The Halo story is my second ever and my Godzilla x mothra is an absolute mess. If i think about that dude AlQuaholic and what a masterpiece of a story he made it just reminds me of the gap.