
There's a new cover out for The Temptress' Web and I love it! You should tell me what you think as well. It was designed by the amazing @moriah_smith


I have just been informed through information-digging that my story's language was actually set in Norsk. It makes perfect sense now that no one could find it, because it technically was not even an English book. I have just switched the languages and I hope that more people can find it now. 
          Anyway, The Temptress' Web is almost to 400 reads and I'm so excited! Thank you all so much for all of the reads, votes, comments and overall support! 


I am so excited! The Temptress' Web almost has 100 reads and that is completely exhilarating to me. I have never had a book, story, whatever you would like to call it, out long enough to get anywhere even close to that number. 
          Thank you so much to all of you silent readers! Let's make it to 100, yeah? Thanks! 
          Just to see that number of 100 makes writing so much more worthwhile. (Not that it isn't without your reads, but this book is super personal to me.)


Looking at my account, I realised I have been on this wonderful website for a whole year! It's been amazing since everyone is so amazing on here and all your books are wonderful! Don't ever be scared to message me! I would love to get to know my followers! Also, I swear I am going to get a story up and keep it up, forever!