
I've been away for a long time - adjusting to life back in Australia, and although Covid-19 hasn't been as big an issue here as in other places, it has still taken its toll. Add adjusting to being back with family (including grandchildren), moving house again, and various other life challenges, and there hasn't been much brain or energy left over for writing. But today I'm back with another instalment in the Meglyn story, courtesy of the Weekend Write-in. I hope you enjoy this next section. (Prompt word: heat)


I've been away for a long time - adjusting to life back in Australia, and although Covid-19 hasn't been as big an issue here as in other places, it has still taken its toll. Add adjusting to being back with family (including grandchildren), moving house again, and various other life challenges, and there hasn't been much brain or energy left over for writing. But today I'm back with another instalment in the Meglyn story, courtesy of the Weekend Write-in. I hope you enjoy this next section. (Prompt word: heat)


So I made it to Australia before the borders were closed and went straight into mandatory self-isolation. Worrying symptoms developed that resulted in me being tested for Covid-19. Fortunately I'm corona free! So I've been permitted to venture out of the bedroom,  although whatever virus took hold, on top of CFS/ME and jet lag means I return to it on a regular basis! 
          But now granddaughters need homeschooling since their school has just closed. So granny duties kick in straight away. No doubt we'll find a rhythm at some point that allows me my writing time as well as sharing the caring duties. 
          All grist to the writing mill!


Apologies for the lack of updates at the moment. I'm in the process of moving back to Australia (due to fly out in 10 days) so the last couple of months have been chaotic, to say the least. And of course the current Coronavirus situation is making everything so much more fluid and uncertain. I expect to get back into routine once I settle back in Australia - what else can I do with myself during the mandatory 14 days self-isolation when I arrive? LOL Anyway, I'll be back!