
NEW STORY ALERT: Jesse's Girl is out now. Based off of my favorite 80's song ever by the same name. I'm actually almost completely done writing this one, so, unlike with The Switch, you guys won't have to wait around literal years to read it (lol oops.) I hope you enjoy! Amazing cover art by @lilperceval on insta!


          All your works are really amazing, and it has inspired me to write my story DATING JUSTIN BIEBER
          And i would love it more than nothing if you checked the book out.
          I think you'd like this story: "Dating Justin Bieber" by BISHOPEZEOKEKE on Wattpad


I loved The Switch so much! Beautiful story, but I would've liked some closure on the parents. I believe that a mother especially, after abandoning both of her girls, would feel at least some regret and turn up on their wedding day.


NEW STORY ALERT: Jesse's Girl is out now. Based off of my favorite 80's song ever by the same name. I'm actually almost completely done writing this one, so, unlike with The Switch, you guys won't have to wait around literal years to read it (lol oops.) I hope you enjoy! Amazing cover art by @lilperceval on insta!


I've been really, really terrible about writing on here but I want to get better. Any stories you guys really want to read? Give me some ideas and maybe it'll kick my booty into gear!


Oooo that’s creepy!! I love that! I’ve never written a thriller before but maybe I could try my hand at it!


@AdriennaBarba do you do like, thriller stories, if so then here is an idea,    ((so basically this girl is like a huge fan of this celebrity [singer/actor] and she desperately wants to be with him, she becomes obsessed with him, like in a bad way, and she starts stalking him, whenever he begins to notice something fishy, she stops stalking him closely and watches him from a distance. girls around him [relatives, friends, the team he works with] start to get heavily injured, and some even die. his grandpa gets into a car accident and  he [the guy] hires a nurse to look after his grandpa. the nurse is nice and beautiful and they start getting close but after sometime he starts noticing that he's grandpa isn't getting better or worse he's just neutral, until one day he sees on the news that a dead body has been found  on the forrest [or whatever] and they say the body's identity — a nurse for people— she was found on the way to his home [he lives in secluded place] and the nurse's name is similar to the one who's taking care of his grandpa, after calling the nurse's agency he finds out the nurse he had hired is the one who was found dead, then who's the nurse at home 'taking care' of his grandpa? will he connect the dots and find the truth?
            haha that's basically it


Ah! I read the new part of Santa baby and it is amazing! The book is so far really great! I really enjoyed Aspen’s character and yeah, keep writing! ❤️❤️


Aw, your welcome! The switch was the first book we read on Wattpad and it’s still one of the best!  ☀️  


Thank you so much! I always look forward to seeing your comments and stuff. Thank you for being so supportive! @Twins_That_Write


Hey ya'll! So "Once Upon A Summer" is underway, but I've decided not to publish it all at once after all. I'm still going to go chapter by chapter, but hopefully now I have enough chapters stockpiled to post them more regularly! (Plus, the chapters of this book are all REALLY long. So I think this is a good compromise) :) 
          This one means a lot to me, so I hope you all enjoy it! 
          Xo, Adrienna


I just got back from reading it and I’m in love! I hope you update soon! ❤️❤️❤️