Wow, not sure if people use this app, but.
I am alive! Life really got the better of me!
I’m thinking about editing my Transformers one shots, I wrote them when I had no idea how to really write good and properly. I jumbled words up and threw them down and, bam! There was a story
I actually want to make these enjoyable instead of boring and basic. So I’m thinking about just tweaking them up, making it flow and follow throughout the entire one-shot.
I’m going to probably edit my two others stories after my one-shots, because…wow, did I not expect that to blow up like it did… a little more than half a million views… I can’t thank you guys enough for actually sticking through the hiatus’s and wonky writing.
That’s all for right now, I’ll do my best to keep you all up to date!
I appreciate each and every single one of you ♡