Hi! I'm starting a bookclub, an Online Book Club to be precise. It's been sad to see the reading culture in Africa, slowly fade away, and I'd really want to save it as much as I can, so that's why I created this group: https://chat.whatsapp.com/BbWwGPu33f8DmGvTlTAvmF on WhatsApp! Click on the link to join and as soon as you join,
1: Drop your name (full name)
2: Drop your Wattpad Username
3: Drop your Social media handles (let's follow each other)
4: Your cutest picture too. (leave a beautiful impression.) JK, do drop any picture of your choice.
Every week, we'd pick a book, (by vote) it doesn't have to be written by any one of us, just a very good book. We'd read this book through the week and review it at the end of the week.
Click on the link.
Xx Cinmisola