
@Mublerking Yes MLP FIM is awesomely epic *bro hoof* And yeah, I am trying to spread the word of bunny. They are not always so cute and cuddly. If you are not careful they will rise up and take over the world. They don't appreciate people stealing their tales and eating them you know lol Thank you for fanning me. I shall warn you, I write all kinds of random stuffs from people raiding fridges to bunches of smut with ALL kinds of couples. I will usually have a warning at the beginning of a piece that will tell you if there is anything highly offensive, so just be sure to watch out for that. 


@Mublerking Yes MLP FIM is awesomely epic *bro hoof* And yeah, I am trying to spread the word of bunny. They are not always so cute and cuddly. If you are not careful they will rise up and take over the world. They don't appreciate people stealing their tales and eating them you know lol Thank you for fanning me. I shall warn you, I write all kinds of random stuffs from people raiding fridges to bunches of smut with ALL kinds of couples. I will usually have a warning at the beginning of a piece that will tell you if there is anything highly offensive, so just be sure to watch out for that. 


@blackcat0013 Kristen said I should write it just so she could see it and not give it to taylor to mess with his head... I think... I was just gonna write the part leading up to the rape scene and skip over it and it would just be a short story, but since Kristen asked I shall comply. And no I will not forgive you for forgetting my :*( I will cry in my corner until I feel better and then forgive you.


@blackcat0013 WHAT ABOUT YOUR BFF HUH??? I GET TWO FANS NONE OF WHICH ARE YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!! *cries in corner* I thought you loveded me *sniffle* I thought you would be my first fan *sob* I thought *choke, gasp* you would love me more than kristen and krystal but APEARENTLY NOT *runs off in tears*