this message may be offensive
Hello everyone. Long time, no see, huh? I know what you're thinking. "Woah they're alive?". I know, right? I've been hella busy with life. It's hard. Anyways. I just wanted to say that I'm moving accounts. This one is old and outdated. I need to re-write my stories to make them better. Have them make more sense. It'll take some time though. The account I'll be active on is @The-Negotiator because I feel like starting over. The account will be my random fandom shit lol. Enjoy multi-fandom fanfics. I hope you guys like what I write. I know some of you enjoyed my PIE fic. It's hella cringy now that I look back at it. I'm gonna re-write it entirely. Hopefully that's okay with you guys. Anyways, thanks for reading.