hey @Ae_loves_writing !! idk if you saw my other message on my main acc, but this is my alt acc where im gonna start writing a reader x thanos fic and i was just wondering if i could use the idea of a dance in my fic. it wouldn't be like yours at all, the only similataries is that they have fancy dresses and its a dance. i think i said it before but i would make mine a waltz, and if you want more details lmk!! ofc if you let me use the idea ill credit you for the idea and tell people to read your fanfic. i want to credit you for the idea because i wouldn't have though of the idea for a dance had i not read your fic and i think it would be unfair of me to put in a dance and have people think its my idea. again, just to make it clear, what i would make happen is my own idea, just the dance i was inspired by you. i hope this makes sense and lmk if you need any more details, also, if you could respond soon that would be great, thank you smmm and i hope you continue to update your fic