
What happened to your encanto book??


@upbeatguy23 I could try? The problem is time now that i have a full time job lol


Are you going to remake or repost it?


Hello friend, good morning or afternoon or evening. I'm writing to you because I'm curious about the history of "promiscuous"; because I saw that it's been a long time since the last update and I don't know if you plan to update again in the future, so I hope you can answer my following questions:
          Is the story linear or episodic? I mean, would you only write about the family's experiences or is there a main plot?
          How were all of Lincoln's descendants produced? Is it something that happened because they were drunk, lustful or something? especially the procreation of Rinn and the sisters' daughters
          Do mothers hate Lincoln or something? The thing is, I don't think Lincoln hides his paternity and they still decided to get pregnant or something, some even did it twice. Are mothers in love with Lincoln or not? Or do they see him as a lover?. Can you explain that, please?
          Is Lincoln married to anyone? Do they all live in a mansion or does everyone live in their own house?
          How does Bobby feel knowing that Lincoln procreated with his mother, sister, ex-girlfriend and his aunt?
          What do children think of their father?
          You may have other questions, but those are the essential ones.
          postscript: happy new year


Gracias por seguirme August Rollins, espero y mis historias sean de tu agrado. Sabes que puedes participar en cualquier encuesta que haga o en dar una teoría tuya en cualquiera de mis historias así como también puedes publicitar a tu gente en que le eche un ojo y muestre su apoyo a mis historias. Un saludo a la distancia.


Veo que te interesa mi historia de TLH, si no quieres perderte el próximo capítulo, no dudes en seguirme y yo te avisaré cuando salga. También acepto recibir cualquier tipo de comentario en alguna parte de la historia, así que puedes también dejar tus teorías. Un saludo.


@RandySlep2020 Thanks for the comment 