
Hello anyone who may be listening! Popping on here once again to just say that I've moved to a new account @winfletcher and am currently self-publishing my new original novel, The Silence Agenda there, with updates Wed/Fri/Sun! Feel free to follow along there if you're still interested in my work, or you can also subscribe to my Substack, link in my new bio. Thanks for reading!


Hello anyone who may be listening! Popping on here once again to just say that I've moved to a new account @winfletcher and am currently self-publishing my new original novel, The Silence Agenda there, with updates Wed/Fri/Sun! Feel free to follow along there if you're still interested in my work, or you can also subscribe to my Substack, link in my new bio. Thanks for reading!


Hey friends, any of you who may still be out there and may still be listening! Long time no see. Five years since I've logged into this account I think? Wow. 
          Anyway, I just wanted to pop in and let you all know where else to find me online, now that my Wattpad profile is pretty much defunct and where to go to read more of my work! (I think I've improved a little but who's to say) 
          If you are AT ALL still interested in Sure Uncertainty, I am actually still working on it in a very different form. It is now a SCREENPLAY that I am collaboratively writing with my partner and love of my life! It has changed though. Like, a lot. It is now titled That Makes Two Of Us. It's set in the 80s now, some of the characters have new names, they're all a LOT more queer than they were when I wrote it the first time, but while its evolved I would love for anyone still vaguely interested to check it out! 
          You can find me and my characters on Characterhub at winfletcher19, where I plan to post more writings and snippets of stories from That Makes Two Of Us! That's also where you can find the most up to date information about my characters and stories! You can also find me on Instagram at @winsketches_  
          The second part of my announcement is to promote my NEW book that I am planning on self-publishing serially in 2023! It's called The Silence Agenda, and is the first book in a trilogy! It's about a grad student and a professional assassin who room together to save money and get irreversibly tangled in each other's lives (and maybe fall in love, who knows) You can find more info about this and my other works on my website, !  
          To anyone who might be reading, to anyone who still cares, or to anyone who ever cared, I'll just say one more time, thanks for reading, thanks for caring, I appreciate you.
          (also i want you all to know that i still read the comments on SU sometimes. they still bring me a lot of joy. that's all)


Hey guys. So, uh... you might have noticed that Sure Uncertainty is gone. And I'd like to begin by apologizing for taking it down without any sort of warning whatsoever. 
          With that being said, this is a decision that has been a long time coming and I only just got the courage to actually do it. It's been unpublished but not deleted. And I'll give you the shortened version of why I made this choice. You all know I'm barely even active on here anymore, I check it occasionally but that's it. It's been months since SU has gotten any attention other than a few votes here and there. I've kind of... I dunno, moved on from Wattpad in a way I guess. Not to say I won't ever publish anything else on here! I am planning on publishing my new story at some point in the relatively near future! So you can look forward to that! 
          And the other main reason for taking down SU? I want to get it legitimately published. This January, I rewrote the entire book, and so the version on Wattpad was quite outdated, and I'm about to enter into a super intensive editing process to prepare this thing for publishing. 
          This book is extremely important to me. The whole reason I published on here in the first place was to share that with you, and I want you to know that I STILL love and appreciate every single person who has ever commented, voted, or even just silently read this project. It means the absolute world to me.  I am so grateful for all of you and for all the time I've spent here, the friends I've made, and the conversations I've had. But it's time for me to move on, at least as far as SU goes. 
          Please message me if you have any questions or anything, idk, I'll be checking my inbox a lot over the next few days. And Tales of the Abidelli Family will remain up at least for now! We'll see what happens with that. 
          Anyway, this was a lot, so thanks again for reading and for understanding. You are all the best!


@AemeliaBea Welcome! Always my pleasure to help! :)


t@lynsibug2003  Thanks for understanding! And thank you so much! :)


@AemeliaBea THATS GREAT!! Well, not the you taking down the story thing..but YOURE GETTING IT READY FOR PUBLISHING!! Thats great! Ill support you the whole way! GOOD LUCK EDITING AND GETTING READY FOR PUBLISHING! Have fun!!!


Hi friends! Just a pleasant holiday reminder that all Aemelia wants for Christmas is people to talk to her about Sure Uncertainty! Headcanons? Song recommendations? Literally anything regarding my book? I am literally fifty thousand percent open to anyone (we don't have to ever have talked before) to come into my inbox and start asking questions or just talking about my book. It's pretty much what I want for Christmas so... just wanted to throw that out there. Love you all, you're the best!


Hey guys, just a little reminder that this weekend is the deadline to vote for your favorite retelling in the retelling awards competition I'm entered in! Head over to to vote for Sure Uncertainty (along with a reason why you like it) and check out the other authors and books if you want. Thanks, guys, you're the best!!!


Hello, lovely people! I'm back again with another brief announcement (or as brief as I can be, heh...) I've recently entered Sure Uncertainty into ANOTHER contest (and the winners of the last one have not been announced yet, just in case you were wondering), this one specifically for RETELLINGS. Which, if you may recall, is what my book is. (go read Comedy of Errors if you haven't already). 
          Soooo... what does that have to do with you? Well, the first round is a people's choice award round, which means that if you pop on over to this chapter: ... you can vote for Sure Uncertainty in the comments and give a reason why! It'd mean a lot to me if you liked my book, if you'd head over there, and just vote real quick! And that's it! Thank you so much, you guys are the actual BESTTTT.


Thanks so much for adding my story to your reading list. I hope you do enjoy it. Feel free to hit me up in the comments or via message to talk :)


@xtoverus whoops I forgot to respond to this like half a year ago but I'll respond now 'cause better late than never, right? But nah, my header is from background art of my favorite show, Gravity Falls. I do like to draw though :)


@AemeliaBea I can't wait :) great graphics on your profile btw. Are you an artist?


@xtoverus You're very welcome! Of course! I'll definitely be leaving comments and let you know what I think! :)