
It's not like it's not for a good cause?


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So I decided to try Omegle with my friends for fun and now I'm stuck in searching for that 18 years old guy that shared an embarrassing story to me when the internet fucked up disconnecting us.


Is it weird to find it hard to write something in your native language? We were assigned to write a mythology by our Filipino teacher and guys.... I wrote it in 6 days in Filipino language. 
          But I tried writing again but in English.... And I.... I was done after 1-2 hours.


To the ones who reads my "Ghost King" fanfic. I just wanna say that I might publish a book about Nico that connects the story from the past. 
          I think you're clever enough to see 'who' I meant that connects Nico with the past. 
          Anyways, wanna know what happened when Nico became the Child of Mythologies?