I think I might delete switch and tangle, possibly you're my oasis too. I have no idea where in going with those. What do y'all think?

@Aerosmith_intheruts Aw thanks. I might possibly put those two on hold and keep them around, and whenever I have the muse for them keep writing.

@Aeroheart I started reading You're My Oasis awhile back, and... I couldn't stop reading it c: So yeah, I basically read it in one night. I started Switch and Tangle, but I never got the chance to continue bc I was writing my own stuff... I keep telling myself I'll get to in eventually cuz it sounds rly good... But yeah... idk. I'd like to read it still :)

@intheotherdirection I don't plan on deleting those! I love writing those ones honestly, which might be why I'm having so much trouble writing the other ones :/