
I haven't been on wattpad in years, and going through some of the stuff I wrote is unnerving. >_<' I didn't know I was that cringy


️‍Happy Pride month!!!️‍ 


@Aeryn_Reilly oh you poor thing, please I encourage you to look it up. It really is quite amazing


What is pride month???


@Blazeplayer what are you confused about


So I have gotten back into maze runners cuz like Gally is hot...duh. 
          But I'm reading these stories where there was a girl before Teresa and I just find it funny like what if there's this girl before Teresa and all these boys first time seeing a girl as far as they know and they like her but she's lesbian


I'm posting an international...thing. Idk, I just need everyone I know and everyone you know to see this.
          When you have some free time, pull up these songs and just close your eyes and listen. 
          Nothing More by Alternate Routes
          Going Home by Randall Kent
          Welcome Home by Radical Face
          Baptisms by Radical Face
          You were Born by Cloud Cult
          These songs represent a better world, a simpler world where we aren't controlled by fear or politics or greed. A world where people aren't defined by money or prejudice.  A world where all that matters is the well-being of the man or woman next to you, no matter who they are, or what they've done. No matter their skin color, religion, gender, or political beliefs, look past all that and you'll see a person, just like yourself. 
          'There are no good guys or bad guys, just people.'


This is heartwarming  
            : D


What's the most amount of books you have had in your library? Mine is 582.


@ladythedog185 yeah, i have a feeling thats gonna happen to me at some point too xD


@theblessedpotato yeah that's what I used to do but then I got so lazy and just left them all on there whether I was finished or not 


@ladythedog185 oh...i didnt know that. wow, i fell stupid. xD either way, tho, I always delete the stories off my library if im done reading them so, i honestly probably have like five books in my library and archive, not inckuding my own books, cuz sometimes ill read those just cuz im bored xD