
Greetings all. It has been a long time since I’ve updated or accessed Wattpad. For the record, I’m not dead! I’m honoured to have people asking for updates to the stories, whether I’ll continue them or not is to be answered later. 
          	I started writing back in Elementary school and now I’m graduating (⌒▽⌒) It’s strange that I grew up writing stories and improving my skills step by step. I feel quite embarrassed reading my stories, as they were the work of my inexperienced self. While this hobby is self-indulgent, I do get major burnout from the embarrassment. (*´ー`*) 
          	The purpose of this post was just to inform you all that I’m alive and to thank you for your continuous support. I’ll be looking into continuing my works. 
          	Until next time! (●´ω`●) !!


I remember you being there during the earlier days! Thanks for sticking around! <3


@Aetheren glad you're okay


Greetings all. It has been a long time since I’ve updated or accessed Wattpad. For the record, I’m not dead! I’m honoured to have people asking for updates to the stories, whether I’ll continue them or not is to be answered later. 
          I started writing back in Elementary school and now I’m graduating (⌒▽⌒) It’s strange that I grew up writing stories and improving my skills step by step. I feel quite embarrassed reading my stories, as they were the work of my inexperienced self. While this hobby is self-indulgent, I do get major burnout from the embarrassment. (*´ー`*) 
          The purpose of this post was just to inform you all that I’m alive and to thank you for your continuous support. I’ll be looking into continuing my works. 
          Until next time! (●´ω`●) !!


I remember you being there during the earlier days! Thanks for sticking around! <3


@Aetheren glad you're okay


So, if you’re wondering if I’m not writing anymore, that’s not the case! I just haven’t been uploading to Wattpad or uploading new chapters of any existing series at the moment. 
          However, I am writing Genshin Impact stories and more fandoms coming soon on AO3. (Archive of our own) I am under the same name on wattpad, Aetheren.
          Though, I’m wondering, are any of you guys interested in me uploading them from AO3 to wattpad?
          Thanks for reading ;)


@Aetheren yes please thought I am on a03 to


          I just wanna say...
          YOU'RE SCARY MAN!!(heh)
          I mean yeah every quote u put on ur chapters are too accurate to describe me so i always look forward to the next one because of those...


Heyyaaa the best quotes are the most relatable ones


Buuuut i enjoyed it thanks tho~


So, you’re probably wondering where I’ve been. It’s  been over two years since I’ve seriously uploaded a chapter or anything. Why? Simply because I became unmotivated. I love my stories. I love my readers.
          But as time passed, the writing became poor and the stories were a mess. How was I going to continue such a thing? This also included all the mental health crisis and my school system. All of this piling together was too much.
          This was why I left it for so long.
          I come back and see that my readers are still interested. I’m shocked. 
          So that is why I have decided to most like RESTART many of the series. (I may continue a few of them, depends though.) 
          Over these two years, I have significantly improved my English skills. I am a capable writer now. Hopefully I can please my audience.
          Let me know your thoughts.
          And one last announcement. I haven’t been avoiding writing at all over the past few years. Once actually been uploading Fanfiction on my Archive Of Our Own account. Genshin Fanfictions and soon to be original ones. So you can check that out over there. ^^

          You are guaranteed at least two updates a month there. 
          Thanks for sticking with me.
          It’s been a hard journey and you guys have made it better.


@Aetheren eyyyyy welcome back :D


@Aetheren WELCOME BACK!!!!!!!!!!


I haven’t been feeling very well lately, so I took a big break. I hope to update my series soon. Thank you all for worrying about me. 


@Aetheren i hope you'll feel better Author-san! im giving you all of my UwU's


@Aetheren i hope you feel better! Take all the time you need.