this message may be offensive
Crazy! I went to the police academy in early 2022 half the training almost broke me mentally, physically and emotionally because you quickly find out that you ain't cut out for some particular shit/situations in life and if you ain't mentally and physically present in whatever you doing that shit will tear you down emotionally.
For nine months I have been away from my family while in training and am not proud of these "habits" I picked up while I was there (smoking) now this was initially picked up to help me "cope" with whatever bullshit I was going through and you know what? it did what it was supposed to at that time, even kept me away from a lot of other shit.
Anyway I have been home for about 2 weeks now and in that 2 weeks 10days was spent with family and friends, might you they don't even know am smoking now and I haven't been smoking at all in those 10days which was good. The urge to smoke was there and strong but I stuck to my guns and said nope!
Boy was I wrong in my hopes of wanting to stop smoking because my working environment at my station although my colleagues are nice and all its still stressing me out and now I have relapsed (sadly)
Back in college I was smoking 3packs of 20s in a week, Do the math but currently I have been smoking 4 in a time frame of 3 days which isn't all that bad compared to previously.
Point of all this is am going through the most in my life and am just trying to find ways to cope y'all without the aid of any type of substance (it's a heavy word, I know but couldn't think of another so quickly)
Am also going through the most epic heart break of my entire 30 years of life. I just can't keep feeling this pain.