
I know its hard but please ignore those nasty people. They can go sod off if the stories aren't to their liking. and of all the things they keep complaining while we are getting these nice stories for free. There are tonnes of crazy writers like them who for some sadistic reason always write the female leads as door mats who accept anything from the guy in the name of love. I personally hate such stories and as such I stay the hell away from them. I suggest they should leave us rational people alone to enjoy sane stories. Hahahahah. Please keep writing. Your art is wonderful. Lots and lots of us in here enjoy these stories and read them over and over.


I have chapters written and ready, but I am kinda wondering if I should update them. Negative comments sometimes just get to me. Sighs...... 


@ AgaciaR  No matter what you do in life, there will always be jealous people with their negative energy trying to bring you down. DON'T LET THEM WIN. We are many here eagerly waiting for your updates because we see the potential you have, you're an amazing author, and we love your work. Sending you lots of love 


@AgaciaR I hope that you do. These people are miserable and obsessed to keep harassing you about what you decide to write. I hope that they do not get to you. And I also hope I can see some of these comments. I'll gladly respond in your place. 


@AgaciaR you need to do what's best for you and if that's not posting anymore, it's ok 


Not boring at all, love the build up of D & K, after him confessing his love for her, that's it's always been her, her finally making the move back home, we definitely need to have them together!!!! Please don't end it, give us the last 9 chapters!!!! I'm so invested to see them finally together & K getting her HEA & loved the way she deserved!!