
Although I've been offline for quite some time - which I will explain soon -, these past few days have brought me many thoughts. Thoughts I want to express to those who follow me and those who read my story. I have a voice, and I have to let my voice be heard in order to make a change, however small that may be. 
          	George Floyd was a kind, good-hearted man who died through the ignorant mindset and racist intentions from white policemen.
          	Trayvon Martin, Michael Brown, Eric Garner, Ezell Ford, Tamir Rice, Aiyana Jones, breonna Taylor amongst many, many others died through these same circumstances before him. They were unarmed, non-hostile, human beings, powerless against a higher, primarily white dominated position of power.
          	These men are given a position in society that is supposed to ensure trust and safety towards the people, yet instead they abuse their powers for their own personal thoughts and feelings over matters such as skin, religion and sexuality. Especially, and most importantly, black men, women and children are fearing for their lives every single day in a world where they are supposed to be living a safe life filled with freedom and happiness. Instead they live in fear, all because of incompetent, white privileged supremacists.
          	Black lives matter. Each and every single one of them. Please, make your friends and family aware of what's happening. Educate yourself, your peers, and those around you of the current situation, and of the situations that once oppressed and still oppress black lives even today. Support the movement. Sign petitions, donate if you can, vote, join, share. Text or call. Let your voice be heard. Making a change starts with yourself.
          	I can't breath.
          	Black Lives Matter


Although I've been offline for quite some time - which I will explain soon -, these past few days have brought me many thoughts. Thoughts I want to express to those who follow me and those who read my story. I have a voice, and I have to let my voice be heard in order to make a change, however small that may be. 
          George Floyd was a kind, good-hearted man who died through the ignorant mindset and racist intentions from white policemen.
          Trayvon Martin, Michael Brown, Eric Garner, Ezell Ford, Tamir Rice, Aiyana Jones, breonna Taylor amongst many, many others died through these same circumstances before him. They were unarmed, non-hostile, human beings, powerless against a higher, primarily white dominated position of power.
          These men are given a position in society that is supposed to ensure trust and safety towards the people, yet instead they abuse their powers for their own personal thoughts and feelings over matters such as skin, religion and sexuality. Especially, and most importantly, black men, women and children are fearing for their lives every single day in a world where they are supposed to be living a safe life filled with freedom and happiness. Instead they live in fear, all because of incompetent, white privileged supremacists.
          Black lives matter. Each and every single one of them. Please, make your friends and family aware of what's happening. Educate yourself, your peers, and those around you of the current situation, and of the situations that once oppressed and still oppress black lives even today. Support the movement. Sign petitions, donate if you can, vote, join, share. Text or call. Let your voice be heard. Making a change starts with yourself.

          I can't breath.
          Black Lives Matter


Good luck with your story, Heart on Fire. I could not put it away. I was intrigued all the way, and that is a hard thing to do. Be proud of that. I cannot wait till you update. You will do great things. You have a future in writing. Don't let your writing only be on Wattpad. Let it be seen in other places too. You have a future in making stories, I can see that. I see somethi ng in you that is hard to see in others. You are probably the only person who I've seen this of. You focus on more than just the OC, and rheir lover. You focus on everyone, and how everyone feels. Even just a group of jealous girls. You describe it with such detail. Don't stop writing. I cannot wait to see another story of yours, even if it is an imagine. I admire you. Even though I don't know you, or only read a story I just found, I admire you. You are on the right track of success. Don't forget this message either. I want you to read this when your down, or when someone tells you something rude. I want you to read this and know that while you have a wonderful future with wattpad and writing, they will be loving with the guilt of being inconsiderate when they were young. Thank you.


I've been busy busy busy... But you can expect an update soon! I've been writing constantly for many different kinds of (still unreleased) books! I'm looking forward to releasing them in the near future!
          Ps. It's currently raining and my CLOSED window - bless it - still lets the rain in. Just brilliant.


Hello everybody, I'm back.
          It has been quite some time since I last updated my story and I am sorry. I didn't really give my story my time this year and now I'm loaded with guilt and regret but I'll promise you, this year will be better.
          I have to admit I achieved quite a lot this year. Finally got myself a stable job, found some long lost friends, read more, opened up more - as I'm quite the introvert - and found myself writing about different stories and books - which I'll definitely still reveal in the near future.
          This year, however, I'll be more active on Wattpad with my stories, as I am hoping to show all of you a better and brighter side of myself. I am also hoping to hear more of your feedback to improve my books and perhaps learn a little along the way as my writing still lacks quite a bit.
          I wish all of you a happy and healthy new year, in which you get to make all your dreams and wishes come true.
          Lots of love,