Dear reader , I saw you accepting reading requests, for that reason, I would like to recommend to you my book "Marriage alliance". It's an Indian genre book, but I like to portray the female characters as strong. Take a look at a few chapters and see if you enjoy them. I am extremely sorry if I get you wrong and you don't accept these kinds of requests. Thank you for your time and consideration. https://www.wattpad.com/story/314963814-marriage-alliance
@TanushreeSarkar630 Can I suggest you something? Do follow a particular writing pattern. Like : asjdhgdgdhdhdbdndhxhj. Bhdhdhsjsjjskdkdkdkdk. Your book would look a lot better and attractive. At first glance it looks a little jumbled up.
@TanushreeSarkar630 Ok will do so but it may be after I finish another recommended book . ♥️♥️ Have a good day.