hey this is a huge question but do you think that girl could create another book cover if she can? I'm writing a new story called Lucider, and I'm sort of writing it for the elementary school (LONG STORY) anyway what I'm thinking is umm a girl with a sandy brown hair green eyes, with like a cool like headpiece sort of thing and like a cloak like what little red riding hood would wear lol. And if she could put my real name that would be great also. also with her permission , she can put her own name on there as the cover design because this might go in the school library at the elementary so I want her credit in there too but it is up to her. This can be one of her projects that she doesn't have to get done with right away just as soon as possible. So if she could do it with her name and my real name on it that would be great! If you or she has any questions contact me and I'll get back to you as soon as I can.