
Happy Easter!  Remember, today commemorates the day JESUS CHRIST rose from the grave, conquering death because He is too great to be contained by it!  First He died for our sins, then he conquered death, what more could you ask of a truly perfect and amazing king!  Now He is risen and can take us out of the grave too if He chose us to follow Him!  (It's easy to be chosen, simply accept Him and you will have been chosen from all time.)




@NightHowlerthe1rst Yes!  I'm so glad you agree!


Happy Easter!  Remember, today commemorates the day JESUS CHRIST rose from the grave, conquering death because He is too great to be contained by it!  First He died for our sins, then he conquered death, what more could you ask of a truly perfect and amazing king!  Now He is risen and can take us out of the grave too if He chose us to follow Him!  (It's easy to be chosen, simply accept Him and you will have been chosen from all time.)


Today is good Fryday.  Today we commemorate JESUS dying on the cross for our sins!  JESUS suffered and died for us so we would live, and yet most people hate Him for it.  Don't hesitate to spread His love, He has done so much for us, we should do something for Him.  Shout it on the streets, yell it from the hills, go bring it up with that stranger GOD has placed in our lives, just do whatever you need to answer GOD's call!
          As some of you may know, two years ago today I was called to CHRIST.  He has changed me so much, let's all allow him to use us for him to change others too.


*Good Friday (not "good Fryday")


Okay, this is a public service announcement.  I have noticed that lots of people misuse the word "their."  Please keep in mind the following note when choosing which their, there, or they're to use.
          Their = shows possession, as in "it is their thing."
          There = is a place, as in "it is over there."
          They're = is the contraction "they are," as in "they're doing something."
          Thank you for listening.


@wowulcat Thanks! :D  Someone who used to be in my Boy Scout troop once went around saying "this is a public service announcement.  Birthdays are good for you.  Statistics show that the people with the most birthdays live the longest."  I thought that one was pretty good too.


@AgentSkyrocket this is the best PSA I've ever seen.


Hey there! So I was wondering if in the future if you published any stories (or current ones) you would want a nicer cover? It's not that yours are bad or anything, it's just that more professional covers attract more readers. Rubyx1 (As I'm sure you know) can do amazing covers of pretty much anything. Sorry if I sound like a telemarketer. Gosh I really do sound like one....


@wowulcat Yes, thank you. I was already wanting that, but I didn't know how to describe what I wanted.  For A New Malenion I have a cousin who was going to draw the cover, but she lives in Canada and I live in Oregon, so it is hard to tell her what I want (I don't have her email).  I haven't posted much because I am busy with other work and my story isn't edited.  When I read through the story myself I can send it to my editor and I might post more.  Sure I would like a cover (admit it, mine are bad, I drew them about three years ago).  I also wanted a new profile pic, but I didn't know what to get.