This day in 2015, I started this account, and a lot has changed since then.
Though I'm far from perfect, I'm growing as a writer and I'm super proud of myself - even if I sometimes forget that. There is power in words, and it is that power that I will continue to wield for the rest of my life.
However erratic my updates, however inconsistent my writing sessions, however helpless I feel at times, I've never doubted my love for writing. Even in periods of writer's block, giving up was never an option. If you love something, you have to make time for it no matter what. That is one thing these 4 years has really taught me.
I so far have three complete works under my belt, and Playing With Fyre is only just starting. I can't wait to see what the future has in store for me.
Happy anniversary, me!
Love you all.
Over and out,