
Hi guys. Its been a while.. Im really sorry about not writing more rvb fics. But since the seasons ended I find it harder and harder to remember the characters and be inspired to write. Im not saying Im done writting but I for sure wont be on here very much anymore. Im going to keep everything up for future people to read and remember what a big deal rvb left on peoples lives. I look back on the first day that I started writing it was rvb and i spent all day working on it and with every like I got I wrote more and more. It would make my day better to just see that I got 5 likes. Now I get +99 notifications 3 days. I challenge you all to try to read and vote for others stories to inspire them to write more. You never know how much youll change someone's life. Goodbye my lovely readers for now 
          	~Agent_Fantasy over and out 


@Agent_Fantasy are you still going to continue the book? 


Hi guys. Its been a while.. Im really sorry about not writing more rvb fics. But since the seasons ended I find it harder and harder to remember the characters and be inspired to write. Im not saying Im done writting but I for sure wont be on here very much anymore. Im going to keep everything up for future people to read and remember what a big deal rvb left on peoples lives. I look back on the first day that I started writing it was rvb and i spent all day working on it and with every like I got I wrote more and more. It would make my day better to just see that I got 5 likes. Now I get +99 notifications 3 days. I challenge you all to try to read and vote for others stories to inspire them to write more. You never know how much youll change someone's life. Goodbye my lovely readers for now 
          ~Agent_Fantasy over and out 


@Agent_Fantasy are you still going to continue the book? 


Omg thank u for all the votes even tho the stuff u voted on is rlly sucky and old I appreciate how you can see potential in such a low tier part of my writing <3


@Agent_Fantasy Jesus that is beautiful.


@Sista92359 Every piece of writing is a work of art people just choose to wear glasses that blind them from true beauty. I prefer spending my time on earth with my glasses off.   


If you are still active, PLEASE make more Caboose stories for RVB. He's too cute to be ignored!


Hey, well good luck with the other book, and thanks so much for replying. If you end up getting around to it, great. 


@SoloJetpack sadly im not active in RvB right now Im in the process of righting another book. But I will try 


Has anyone ever felt so low they can almost feel a 50 pound weight crushing the oxygen out of them...?
          Has anyone felt like two people put a string to each side of your heart and just started pulling..?
          Has anyone felt like all you do is trip people over and over again like a tired hurdle jumper missing every jump...?
          Has anyone felt so ... so useless that all you can do is sit and simply exist ..?
          Has anyone felt so lonely that you stay up all night waiting to hear anything for any one person that still cared for you..? 
          Has anyone ever felt so scared that your body trembles, your eyes flood gates open and you let the sad song leave your heart?
          Has anyone felt so low they can almost ... feel there body giving... telling them just stay here and breath.. ?