
In need of a couple book covers...


For which stories?

          Read the paragraph that starts with "Aside from playing with Barbie dolls....." 
          1) GameCube wasn't ancient last time I checked. The SNES, NES, Sega, and the Atari were.
          2) It's not blasted the "Adventure of Zelda" collection. One. Zelda doesn't do the adventuring. Link does. Two. It's the "Legend of Zelda collection.
          3) In the next paragraph it says "Queen Peach" it's "Princess Peach"......
          4) Towards the end she complains that Navi was a girl. I really don't understand? If I remember that no one ever called Navi a she. It is commonly understood though that it may be a girl. Leaves it up to your imagination.