
I really don't want to rest (·∀·)


@Agustdsuga2016 same happening with me too, give yourself time. Write what you want and keep those in drafts if you want to complete ongoing ones first. 


I really don't want to rest (·∀·)


@Agustdsuga2016 same happening with me too, give yourself time. Write what you want and keep those in drafts if you want to complete ongoing ones first. 


I love your story called A baby in front his door  please tell em that you are going to add more into this story please say yes 


Sure! I will try to upload more ff like this! <3


Yo guys I was thinking change this story     to something else I guess its not that good yea I was actually thinking about to re write about this book "song of mystical lovers" I'm sure some of you read this book from wattpad and YouTube before too sad the author deleted this book so I thought re write again by my own thoughts so what I'm going to saying I was thinking to change this book to song of mystical lovers so what y'all say? Becuz it's ready some parts not all 


That b"llsh- the story I was going to change is a peasants unwilling ascension to song of mystical lovers 


Now how to ignore your ex best friend I need some tips becuz she starts to getting on my nerves... Like okay I get you're smart... Isn't that cringe guys to show off your grade? ┐(°,ʖ°)┌ like she literally comes to me and hands me her paper sheet excepting me to look at it and feel what? jealous? WHAT'S WRONG WITH THOSE PEOPLE (⟃ ͜ʖ ⟄)