Hey y'all I was just wondering so firstly I'm writing well planning a story and I want to add all American into it, but my girl has powers and fighting skills does that sound ok to add all American? Pls help
Hey y'all I was just wondering so firstly I'm writing well planning a story and I want to add all American into it, but my girl has powers and fighting skills does that sound ok to add all American? Pls help
Can someone please say something anything positive my two year old nephew just ripped one of my BTS posters and uk what his mom did she took him outside while my mom was scolding him and yes I started sobbing not crying sobbing and it physically hurts for me to shed tears thts why I avoid crying but this killed me. And I'm already medically not feeling well.
Wht is wrong with fanfics adding traumatizing drama at the end of their stories. Who wants to be tht fckin evil and laugh about it like I just read a story and right when the girl finds out she's pregnant she loses the baby not even two seconds after and cackles about that shit like why add the baby in the first place and if you don't like the pregnancy trope DONT ADD IT AND THEN ADD A MISCARRIAGE OR SOME SHIT RIGHT AFTER LIKE WTF
Proud of myself because I have gotten a few chapters of my story done without any distractions or getting distracted or forgetting or being lazy so if anybody wants to read those three chapters please go and take a look.