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Hey, folks. My hiatus from Wattpad is still ongoing for the time being—wading through some stuff currently—but I’m popping in for a very special occasion. IT’S BOOK LAUNCH TIME, BABY! @eacomiskey and @redtoadmedia have both just premiered new books. And not only are they new novels in their own right, these books are also the opening works of new series. Anne’s fantasy novel, Sorrowfish, is the first book in the Call of the Lorica series, while Elizabeth’s paranormal story, Some Monsters Never Die, opens up the Monsters and Mayhem series. So we’re not just talking about two kick-butt novels; we’ve got two now and more to come! I’ve made a post on my site where you can find more info about the books—topic, content ratings, purchase links, and why these two works are more than worth the buy. These are two phenomenal people and authors I’m absolutely thrilled to support, and if you’d like to help spread the buzz, I have quote images I’ve been tweeting out from each book. I’m trying not to give away too much, but I think I’ve been able to find some pretty good teaser moments that showcase the respective authors’ talents, and the appeal and style of each book. Spread the word, peeps! It’s appreciated! Blog post: http://ahsokajackson.com/2019/08/29/book-launch-news-monsters-magic-and-music-oh-my/ Twitter page: https://twitter.com/ahsokajackson And if you just want to head directly to the purchase links…. Sorrowfish, Kindle edition: https://amzn.to/2MNXBcq Sorrowfish, paperback edition: https://amzn.to/2ZuCDX1 Some Monsters Never Die, Kindle edition: https://amzn.to/2Le06D1
Hi AhsokaJackson I found your comments on one of Andi Cook’s books and just wanted to say Hi and I hope you’re doing okay.
Hello, I sent you a message. Want to make sure you saw it and hoping you respond.
Hi! How are you in this pandemic time? I hope you're doing great ❤ Stay safe.
Hey, folks. My hiatus from Wattpad is still ongoing for the time being—wading through some stuff currently—but I’m popping in for a very special occasion. IT’S BOOK LAUNCH TIME, BABY! @eacomiskey and @redtoadmedia have both just premiered new books. And not only are they new novels in their own right, these books are also the opening works of new series. Anne’s fantasy novel, Sorrowfish, is the first book in the Call of the Lorica series, while Elizabeth’s paranormal story, Some Monsters Never Die, opens up the Monsters and Mayhem series. So we’re not just talking about two kick-butt novels; we’ve got two now and more to come! I’ve made a post on my site where you can find more info about the books—topic, content ratings, purchase links, and why these two works are more than worth the buy. These are two phenomenal people and authors I’m absolutely thrilled to support, and if you’d like to help spread the buzz, I have quote images I’ve been tweeting out from each book. I’m trying not to give away too much, but I think I’ve been able to find some pretty good teaser moments that showcase the respective authors’ talents, and the appeal and style of each book. Spread the word, peeps! It’s appreciated! Blog post: http://ahsokajackson.com/2019/08/29/book-launch-news-monsters-magic-and-music-oh-my/ Twitter page: https://twitter.com/ahsokajackson And if you just want to head directly to the purchase links…. Sorrowfish, Kindle edition: https://amzn.to/2MNXBcq Sorrowfish, paperback edition: https://amzn.to/2ZuCDX1 Some Monsters Never Die, Kindle edition: https://amzn.to/2Le06D1
How have you been? Haven't heard from you in months. Everything OK?
Didn’t think I was going to post anything because I already write posts and poetry about this as is, but I do have a couple of brief comments for International Women’s Day (March 8, for those of you in various time zones). I’ll save the sunnier stuff for second so that I can end on a good note. 1. It’s true that some people maintain a false positive image while being horrible to their families and others behind the scenes. But it’s also true that family members are generally held as ones you owe more to than you would a random stranger or casual associate. With that in mind, why would you tell men it’s okay and even good to inflict things like pain, humiliation, disrespect, and injury upon their wives, partners, etc, but then tell them to be respectful and gentlemanly with women and people as a whole? If a man doesn’t even treat the supposed love of his life with due kindness and respect, why would I feel safe and anticipate better treatment than that, as someone with less of a connection to him? 2. Shoutout to the females in the world! Never allow anyone to minimize your importance, your contributions, your value to the world from the moment of conception to your dying breath, and your irreplaceability as an essential part of healthy marriage, the family, and also the human species itself. Be good and real sisters to each other, but also realize that men aren’t automatically the enemy, and that fellow women aren’t necessarily friends and allies to you individually, nor to the whole of womanhood. And remember to love and embrace being a female! It isn’t always fun, but at its core it’s a marvelous thing, and it’ll always be part of who you are. Respect the XX!
Heya, all. Taking a breather from my usual battle against things like abuse, mistreatment, misogyny, & enablement, the actors, the promoters & the sycs, in order to give a much more casual notice: For those of you who use Scrivener, especially the newbies, there’s a free webinar about it tomorrow. It’s being held by Joseph Michael, in partnership with Jeff Goins. I wouldn’t be surprised if they’re will be some additional dates later; I’ve noticed that for webinars, there’ll often be multiple sessions, with the central host making the rounds to work with several promotional partners in one stretch of time. I’ve watched Joseph’s videos before and can confirm he’s a great, easy-to-understand teacher, and even having already attended past sessions, I still intend to watch the webinar live myself if I can make it. If not, there’s usually a replay and/or notes made available if you’ve signed up for the webinar. http://freescrivenermasterclass.com/register-now?inf_contact_key=534242806459aa49dc79194b8255c01bb7af0999dac2af6212784c39e05d2aef
[More to come] Shout-out to the folks who respect the hard work real relationships—both romantic and platonic—take, whether they knew it going in or figured it out along the way, ha. Shout-out to the people who understand that hurting or degrading your spouse isn’t loving, sexy, or healthy. Love and value yourself enough to draw the line. And don’t listen to shallow, enabling “friends” who don’t care if you’re literally bleeding inside, as long as you can keep up a cheerful exterior that keeps things neat and tidy for them and lets them selfishly ignore the concept of having a conscience, basic decency, or compassion. Know that you deserve better, whether they’ll admit that or not. You can’t wait on others to affirm that; they may be too ignorant, broken, or damaged to value themselves properly, let alone you. You may have to cheer yourself on and have your own back instead. Appreciate it if you do have real friends, but be able to advocate for yourself either way. And understand that others also deserve better from you. Real respect, not lip service. Relationships can and will push your limits, and that helps you to grow. You learn patience, forgiveness, empathy, listening. But you don’t act either deliberately or with gross, selfish disregard or entitlement to the fact that you are testing the limits of how much pain and misery and other negativity and harm they can endure. That’s not loving or empathetic—quite the opposite. Love is a choice, not just a feeling. Don’t destroy yourself or your mate for lousy, weak reasons. And don’t treat being single as simply a way-station. It’s a full season of life in its own right. There are many relationships that are negative, unhealthy, or a waste of time. Don’t assume others have it better than you simply by being in a relationship; it may well be the opposite. Also a shoutout to the people who are on the job and dealing with the emotional, squabbling holiday crowds. To those crowds: Tip ‘em well!
Thank you so much for taking your time to review my chapter for the NBR spotlight! I appreciate it :D