
Hey hey hey, chapter 3 of "Run, Hide, Survive" is up! I have to say it was probably the most fun chapter I've written for a book in a while, but I'll leave that up to you guys. It's kinda getting dark FYI, but please read it!


Hey hey hey, chapter 3 of "Run, Hide, Survive" is up! I have to say it was probably the most fun chapter I've written for a book in a while, but I'll leave that up to you guys. It's kinda getting dark FYI, but please read it!


Hey Wattpeople! Yes I am back from the dead, just kidding (not really), and YES, I am going to TRY to be more active (@ShadowPine and @NightShadeofAzarath.) I updated the Star Wars RP book, so take a look. (Totally unintentionally rhymed right there.) Also I may just be working on another chapter of my Ahsoka fan fiction I kinda forgot about.


Hey guys! I updated the CHB and Star Wars rp books! Even if you aren't really into either fandoms, I still would love for everyone to try. I think it would be fun to work off of each other's writing because all of you are so talented and I would like to get to know you better! It's also a great way to gain new followers.  Also, even if you don't want to rp, tell some friends who might be interested! Finally, if you have any suggestions for more rps, tell me!