
I have a question dude are you at all going to quit the FPE fandom just wondering?


@Ahunfar Well at least that gives me some comfort that some people won’t leave the fandom although I won’t lie I still would love for you to make advanced classes reaction story as that would be kind of entertaining as there’s a lot you can do with that


@nathaneskell I will not leave fpe Fandom with my friends


Hey dude I don’t know if you’ve heard about this but it seems like Katie has quit YouTube and I’m not trying to put words into her mouth because of everything that’s going on but if you check her YouTube channel and her Twitter post they’re all gone every video and every comment.
          It sucks I really wanted her to come back I mean there is a chance she will come back but it’s unlikely if she does come back it will probably be with a new fandom and after she gets her life straight where she becomes less depressed and all of that.
          And even though this is an extremely small chance lesson probably a 1% whenever the FPE fandom possibly calms down with less heat and all of that to a point where it’s like brand new she might start again but who knows I’m not too sure wherever she goes now I hope she’s happy.
          And a part of me to hope she talks to us about her life but it might be best if she keeps her life private from us and yeah that might be for the best it sucks too she was just a kid whenever she made a video that was like 71 million views.
          She’s probably sad that her fandom and OCs turned into this and it sucks parts of me just wish she waited longer before starting YouTube possibly because maybe things would’ve been different


@Ahunfar I mean like what do you think it’s going to happen like do you think she might one day come back or at least make a new channel and a new fandom or do you think whenever she gets the mental help she needs and whenever the fandom becomes less toxic do you think she might make a return.
            Because that’s all I can hope for one day but she needs to focus on her life first.


@Ahunfar I doubt it will get worse from here because think of it like this all of the haters and the toxicity will disappear as they have no point in staying in a Fandom that they started heating or heated only the good people will remain with little toxicity.
            I’m pretty sure edgy said that she wants to start again or something which could mean multiple things that whenever she gets better she might make a new channel or maybe you do the same channel but I just hope one day we will get word from her and I hope this isn’t past we have most a couple of years or maybe a year or two from now where she can handle stress better you know because she was just a child one of this happened well I should say a kid she was 16.
            She didn’t want to become famous like this but she got it all I can say is I hope if she does at some point come back as goodbyes really aren’t forever maybe I mean she might make another fandom and using some of the same characters or maybe changing them a tiny bit.
            but maybe if the fandom becomes less toxic and maybe whenever she gets the help she needs and learns how to deal with stressful situations and everything else just may be she might come back as she didn’t deserve any of this nor did edgy.


@nathaneskell yeah i think so too my friend i hope he also has a better life wherever he is 
            and I hope this won't get any worse than what is happening now