
I desperately want to write again. Would y'all like me back?
          	But no more Minecraft anything. I'm done with that.


I'm the worst. I never update. Ugh. I am so sorry guys. I'm almost done with Destiny too!!! I'm getting my own personal laptop soon, so don't fret!! I will rise once again, and I will provide you all with wonderful stories!!! I promise!!! 


this message may be offensive
Yesterday in science class I was typing and I stopped looking at the keyboard as I typed, looking out the window in boredom. I can type without looking at the keyboard quite fast, which is something no one really understands since I don't use home row. Anyways, this kid sitting next to me looks over and his eyes widen, and he kept looking back from my hands to my eyes in shock. I asked him what was wrong (I honestly thought he saw the email I was typing and was shocked at what I was saying) and he just stuttered and looked at the keyboard one more time, and I stopped typing. He just kinda uttered out something like "Keyboard... typing... looking away" before jut shaking his head with a shocked smile and saying "nevermind". I really didn't think it was that shocking, but it did leave me quite flustered. Heh.
          If I have time to write a fucking novel about something that happened in class the other day I have time to write Destiny.


@ AidanTheGaymer  i had 2 years of blind typing training. It's not like riding a bike at all. I type a bunch, but i can't seem to do it. I finished the training with a too low rate and i actually didn't make it. So yeah. Maybe you have different bikes? Or different computers


@kittypawsc Yeah, I type like that too. My thumbs are only for the space bar, and my pinkie's are only for the shift and enter keys. I don't use those for anything else. xD


@Nonsense4you2 It's something you really have to just learn. It's kinda like riding a bike, in the sense that at first you're going to be unsteady, but if you keep at it, you'll get better and better. While looking at the keyboard, I have a pretty fast typing speed, and my accuracy is pretty good too. I just type so much and so often that it's like walking. You just have to keep at it.


My sister has a tuxedo cat named Spoiler, who has a lot of the same markings as my old cat, Boots. This entire visit she has ran away from me and refused to let me touch her. But just now, she jumped up onto the couch I've been sleeping on, and walked up to me, putting her face in my hand and allowing me to pet her. Now she's curled up at my feet purring away. I'm so, so happy. I started crying so hard, and I still am. She just sat by my lap oml. I'm so, so happy.


I started a new anime three hours ago(yes, immediately after finishing K) and I've stayed up till 1:40 am waiting for that episode that I could happily go to bed with. It just happened. And I have to leave early to go to the flea market. Rip


"from gaming to sex"
          Sounds saucy ;3


            Oh, its fine! ^^ I just thought I embarrassed you or somethin, I just randomly found the short story


@b-x-tchplease Don't be! It's alright. I understand that you were trying to make a joke. I'm sorry for making the joke feel as if it was mistaken for something else. ;-;


            Aw.. Im sorry.. ;-; i was just making a joke


K ended splendidly. I watched K, K: Missing Kings (the movie), and have now just finished K: Return of Kings, and I've never felt so much in one anime ever. I will admit, I've cried during pretty much every anime I've watched; Fullmetal Alchemist, Blue Exorcist, Noragami, Cheer Danshi, Yuri on Ice, Owari no Seraph, No. 6, and much more, including K. I loved K, I really did. The movie and season two were great additions. Man, I wish all anime was like this. I really wish there was more anime like the ones I mentioned. Sure, I wasn't too happy with how all the girls in K had giant breasts, but oh well. What can you do? Yeah, anyways, I'll stop rambling. Okie dokie, bah-bye.




@lostgirl1610 can i follow your amazingness?