Hope you know I see every single time my stories are added to a reading list and every time someone comments and every time that someone votes for my stories. I also see WHO does this.
1: why even add a story you don't like to a reading list?
2: my story isn't finished so why add it to the 'finished but bad' list??
3: with the way you worded the reading list called 'didn't get to finishes reading' it almost sounds like you are complaining it isn't completed.
I thought you didn't like the story but then made it seem like you were sad because it isn't finished. Please stop the hate on an amateur author. Thank you!
Also you need to correct your grammar.
I’m autistic and don’t how how to spell and the that you said was in the middle of reading and didn’t go back to it yet
On top of that I like to put books in a group to show that I have read it and if I liked It or not
And I’m not hating on any author you book is just not my type of style for a book