
If y'all start getting tons of notifications that I posted stuff..... I'm just editing tings and good luck finding the corrections 


I don’t know about you guys. (I mean for me personally, who has coronavirus) but it sucks. And also doesn’t suck. At least not I have an excuse to stay in bed all day and be shirtless half of that time... I also really want ramen.


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I don't know if I should unpub everything and just continue writing them in my drafts, or just delete them all.. I don't know guys.. What should I do? I also have a really deep book I'm planning on putting on here, but some of the topics are really triggering as it is about shit that has happened in my life.. So I dont know if I should... What do you guys think, Should I keep my books and make the new one? Or should I take them down?


Thank you for adding my story to your reading list I appreciate it


@namjoons_hidden_nips Now I'm on the right account lol so sorry I run an account with my friend I will enjoy your book <3