
Ok After a long writers block and a long back, finally coming back with new ideas, totally a different topic from the ones mostly writers discuss on... Wait for the right timings ^ _ ^


Assalam alaikum and hey everyone!
          It is my first ever book which came to completion ^_^ haha! Sounds funny I guess? 
          It is attached to my heart and I wrote every chapter and every word came out of my heart. 
          I really wanted to keep it a short story, but of course my life wasn't completely mentioned in this. Maybe some situations of my life? There were lots of things I was planning to discuss on, but I thought I need to clear all my hesitations before adding into the book
          Ofcourse some things were different from my life because there is so many unbreakable diamond who have untold tale and I want to mention them and tell them you're preciously precious, beautifully beautiful, diamondly diamond and unbreakable. I want each one of you to realize your worth and how one face mental ups and downs and how they feel like they just want to give up but they still try hard. I told how our brain tricks into several things and how much Allah loves us 


Assalam alaikum and hey everyone!
          I wrote this book, which related me, many other unbreakable diamonds out there, who have fought or are fighting their mental, some of the things are constructed and some of the things truly relate to me because I'm just not the only unbreakable diamond here, there's millions out there, or maybe billion because you mentally suffer at some point of your life.
          Its getting a bit emotional now. I know that many of you will truly relate to me, because that's how many people face once in their life. So that you can find yourself and can become the realest version of yourself. The things, you wished you never did, just for one time you wished you can turn back your past and make never did those things which you are now deeply regretting, it's okay, we all learn from our mistakes, the things you hated, but at last you're left with no option but just to change your perspectives. 





Now, I understood the true meaning of patriotism, 
          Sacrificing everything even if it's your life for your country, to protect the future generations, to protect the interest of our nation, keeping defence of your country your top priority.
          I believe, my Allah will never forgave those who murdered or are involved in his murder. 
          Arshad sharif, was recently working on a Netflix documentary featuring, corruption of Pakistan politician. 
          He could have gave up for his family, knowing he has 5 school going children behind, knowing he was the only surviving man of his family. 
          His father and his brother are martyred as they are working in army.
          His mother is so brave, a brave mother of 2 brave martyred son, who gave their lives for their country.
          I'm impressed and totally inspired. 
          You should must check out "behind the closed doors" on which he was working, don't let his blood go in vain. Allah won't let Arshad's blood go in vain. 
          We, Pakistani nation, are proud of you Arshad sharif
          Rested in peace.


@Ailious Ameen. He is a true hero in every sense