
Happiness is .. when two of your favourite books are updated on the same day ! Of the joy ❤ jazakallah sajmra and hayat_khan :) you guys have to read those books . They are - 1) unlocked hearts and 2) forgiving you (Dublin sisters 2) ! What amazing books . Wow :") and what amazing talent we got here in these amazing two authors . I would suggest you guys to read all of their books . Because these are sequels , the prequels are masha allah so beautiful , I read them over and over again even today . 


Happiness is .. when two of your favourite books are updated on the same day ! Of the joy ❤ jazakallah sajmra and hayat_khan :) you guys have to read those books . They are - 1) unlocked hearts and 2) forgiving you (Dublin sisters 2) ! What amazing books . Wow :") and what amazing talent we got here in these amazing two authors . I would suggest you guys to read all of their books . Because these are sequels , the prequels are masha allah so beautiful , I read them over and over again even today . 


Hello , assalamualaikum readers ! I am backkkkk :D 
          Well I've updated my 1st book and made a new book for non Islamic readers ! 
          In the past few months I have been reading a lot , and saving the links . I found some time today and updated most of  the books I've been reading . I hope you guys enjoy it . For people who find it difficult to find the books which I have mentioned in my book you can check my reading lists in a few hours , in shaa Allah I'll update my reading lists so that you guys can have direct access to the book . Also i would suggest you guys to follow the author of the book you are following for you to get notifications of the book you have chosen to read :") It's easier that way , because lots of people ask me when a book will be updated . I don't have a say in that .. it's completely upto an autho when they will update their book . So until next time .. keep reading and let me know if there are any amazing books that you have read . It will be easier if you guys can send me a link ! Jazakallah and thank you ;") I missed this ! Haha!! 


            Assalamualaikum, In your love (eternal ishq series) by abdofrahman is amazing... Its completed .. Do give it a try..


Assalamualaikum . Well thanks a ton for sending me the link , so sweet of you . In shaa Allah I'll try reading the book . Also , I see the book is half way through so I might start reading once the book is completed . I get way too curious to know what happens in half left book  


Assalamualaikum! I just stumbled upon your page, please check out my stories, would love to get feedback 


So happy to hear from you 


Walaikumassalam !! Please send me the book links in my inbox !?:") I'll be glad to read the books !!!  


          I just came across your profile 
          And we share the same nameeee! ( haha, I'm  so excited when I find people with the same name as mine)
          Anyway, I had a request (:
          Would you please please please check out my book if you've got some spare time.
          Also, if you like it, please do vote and comment and share too :D  


And I'm
            So sorry I miss your post . I generally don't check the wall much but I check messages almost everyday ! Allah I'm one year late . But I'm stil so happy to see the message u left on my wall :") glad to find you !


walaikumassalam ! Allah how could I miss this . Oh my god I'm so excited , we have the same name , im the same Aiman I also get super excited when someone shares the same name as me ! Oh my god can you please inbox me your book link ?! I would love to read it some day in shaa Allah 